made by frumpy. Disclaimer: opinions expressed in this article are my own. Actual results may vary based on your playstyle. I encourage you to try out different stat combinations yourself to find the best upgrade combo for the optimal sword battle experience.
There are a variety of upgrades in, but some of these will help you much more than others.
For starters, damage is not as strong of a stat as you might think it is. Obviously, it is strong, but how the game is right now, health is actually better to upgrade.
When tested in actual combat, a player who upgrades health the same number of times as a player who upgrades damage will have more health in the same amount of hits.
Speed is another very strong stat to upgrade. It allows you to swiftly punish players who miss a swing, or offers a quick escape, or catching people who try to run.
Obviously, regen is also a very strong upgrade. Paired with a speed build, it allows you to dodge sword throws and heal, then get back into action.
Speed 6
Regen 3
Health 3
Damage 1
I don't recommend upgrading speed more than 6 times as the difference is not very noticable past that point. You should, however, upgrade Regen and health as you level up. Do not level up damage past 1.
Speed 7
Regen 3
Health 3
Damage 0
The reason you don't upgrade damage at all for berserker is that the evolution already gives you a similar damage boost as others. Regen and health are extremely important as your ability does not increase your survivability so you need all the health you can get.